37. Selfie

We live in times of social media and selfies. People are obsessed with getting into the story, documenting it and sharing it with friends. They no longer ask a random passer-by to take picture. Instead, pointing the cell phone at themselves at any occasion and taking a selfie is much more popular choice these days. While I am not a fan of selfies in general, even more so underwater, where this technique regularly comes with lots of damage on fragile coral reef and wildlife harassment, there are a few occasions where a carefully performed selfie doesn’t harass the animal and can possibly capture an entertaining story. In fact, a well-taken selfie can portray our own interaction with wildlife in super high intensity. Another reason to point the camera at us is the fact that we, the photographers, are rarely in the picture. Sometimes we want to look at ourselves in action and go back to those wonderful moments that we experience through the viewfinder.        


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